I started doing some remnant of reiki while writing my subjective dictionary, my senior project for the columbus academy (one of the few enjoyable parts (along with Mr. Morrin's class) of the whole ordeal, really, though it almost caused me to not graduate). I noticed that when I attempted to exert a moving force on an object that was similar in weight to me or more, my arms and my whole body would start resonating at a certain frequency. almost like a working seizure. it happens to everyone. try to push the wall nearest to you into the next room. you must throw all or nearly all of your body's weight force into it. you'll recognize it. now take your hands away from the wall and maintain that signal. that's it. It might take a while, but it's kinda flexing your arm muscles without flexing your bicep. it's really not mystical at all, but the implications of it are powerful. this working signal, made obviously of real, transferrable energy (given that every part of the human body is conductive, from skin to bone)is our active access to our metabolism (without much moving required). it can potentially help us in a number of ways, including decreasing search time for a system designed to send attacking chemicals to find invading desires/desire deviators (viruses and bacteria, carcinogens), at the very least. this signal probably also has homeostatic implications. I find that it vastly decreases muscle and bone pain, well most pain, really (I've always suffered from headaches. My blessing and my curse, as, given a fear of damaging my liver and kidneys with pain meds, they allowed me to become more in touch with my pain, on a deeper level than most get to, I think. Headaches became puzzles for me and then I discovered reiki and could, with a bit of time and effort, solve most of them (though it does take a while). did I mention this signal you just felt in your hands is transferrable, with practice, to all parts of your body, head, neck, legs, with practice. Though I advise you to explore slowly because injury is very possible, with misuse (use of hands as stabilizers for the neck is important(you will also notice that joint cracking is highly related to this and must be expected, though it should be a nice sensation, not violent). the implications of having more active control over blood flow must not be taken lightly.
We also have active control over our respiratory systems(we can force air in and out of our and lungs), which are designed to store oxygen, and, in our highly polluted cultures, end up storing tons and tons of toxins, and even make it difficult to access these toxic air pockets. Burping is an active breathing system, which solves this problem, you can completely clear your lungs, in order to take in new air, if you have been in a toxic environment recently (or smoking(to minimize damage)). your stomach gasses, excess stuff burned off by stomach juices, should also be expelled, as to lessen pressure pains caused by gasses being forced through your system. Burping also happens to be a social taboo. Because humans are fucking dumb. (and cleaning the body's natural air filter with the aptly shaped tools on the ends of your arms...)