so, what is the nature of this energy, so we can begin to model something to properly use it?
we went over insects. plants, I'll go over quickly. I found out about the interesting nature of plant energy while I was married to sweet little gracie. I had bought a voltmeter and lucky bamboo/not bamboo bullshit thing and I was shoving wires of different sizes into the plant, just to check its energy levels and if these would change with differently sized wires (baby steps, weird little awkward baby steps). I thought I noticed a sharp rise when I would first penetrate the outer layer of the plant. I toyed with it more, and found that as I shoved more wires in, the voltage across the whole plant (a response)(the non-root portion) was slightly increasing. this made me aware of bio-available energy levels, the levels at which the body deals with electricity, which is best measured in millivolts. too much electricity creates a shock sensation--too much cell death, but under that threshold, should be able to be harnessed, given our highly electrical nature and conductive bodies.
oo lala